Reverie Embodied
"Unless you can make the products of your reverie manifest themselves in real life you're still just a lonely street urchin wandering cold and barefoot through Paris."
Holly Esch (2015,
Yes, over time, one is called to eventually bring the rich loam of reverie into the world.
One way to think of this is that reverie is in the realm of the feminine, being fluid, rich in possibility, at the borders of worlds; reverie eventually leads to a call for the balance found in masculine embodiment.
To explain: This conversation was begun in conjunction with Robert Romanyshyn and Brian Tracy speaking for the cultivation of a poetic sensibility. We might consider that Romanyshyn's forays into the space of reverie found expression in his new publication, Leaning Toward the Poet : Eavesdropping on the Poetry of Everyday Life. Reverie is embodied, in this example, in the act of actually finding a poem (or collection of poems) framed within its own lines and presented in a public forum-Robert's book. That's what I mean by masculine embodiment. None of us does well unless we move in harmony between masculine and feminine domains.
Thanks Holly for your comments.
(An Excerpt from a conversation on depthpsychology